
Thursday, February 5, 2009


I'm not sure, but I think HU Jintao is having me tailed by his goons. They're outside in sweatsuits pretending to play basketball in the street. Only they're kicking it and keep saying "touchdown" in broken English.

Anyway. I'm on to their little game...

So, if something should happen to me, be nice to one another and buy the Freakazoid Second Season DVD when it comes out on April 21st.



  1. Maybe they're Christian Bale's goons...?

    You just have to go undercover as FROYNLAVEN MAN!!!

  2. I think you can take them.

    Can I still buy Freakazoid season 2 if nothing happens to you?

    [He could go undercover as Manny.]

    and his expendable sidekick HOYL!

  4. and don't forget their pet super-ferret, FLAMIEL!

    Flamiel hides his/her identity by wearing a mask... which happens to be exactly the same shape as the natural "mask" fur pattern, but it works anyway somehow.

  5. This not funny situation. I tailed by goons whole life, and it is NOT FUN. Goons at the diner. Goons at Laundromat looking thru underwears. Goons in closet, finding special lady magazines. You be careful, Rugg Paul, for such reason that Hu Jintao is preparing army of goons to come over with fake visa and look like engineering student, but you not be fool - IT IS A GOON in that class! Yes! In your backside eating a snack! To distract you from education! So point is such: if you see a goon, DO NOT engage in battle or offer of food for goon, because goon will be VERY VIOLENCE. Back away fast if you are to survival. HEED MY CAUTION STORY or you will be another bloodied body on road behind stomping boot of GOON ARMY. RUN!

    Gao Pi Bing Shui
    Minister of Depense
    Shi Po Fertilizer Industry Company
    Beihai, China

  6. "Rugg Paul"... oh great. Now I know how he's gonna lay low: in drag!

  7. That's a terrible transvestite name.
    Ida Slappter

    Now there's a name.

  8. It occur to me that ever since I make comment on NON-FUNNY of situation, people still take it not serious and talk about funny lady-men in lacy women clothes with big hair and big red lips singing song from New York. Well, I just saw goon outside, and now I have fool goon by wearing disguise of wig and lips and slinky cocktail dress, when I am in fact A MAN. So that is where fate and funny come together, huh? Life play big joke on me. But goon loses, so that is what important I guess--I live free of goon for one day extra.

    But I am not going to sing song from New York. I draw a line right there.

    Gao Pi Bing Shui
    Fugitive Lady Man
    Beihai, China
