
Thursday, March 12, 2009


I'm pleased to announce it's Froynlaven Reader Participation Week! And you know what THAT means! (If not, keep reading.)

This morning I awoke curious as to what it would sound like if Ethel Merman sang the theme song to Flipper

And this, dear reader is where YOU come in. I can't do Ethel Merman. But, perhaps you can. Give it a try! Tell your friends. Perhaps your Grandma! I will post every submission next Monday. And here's how were going to do it...

Post your attempt on YOUTUBE and send me the link on Sunday night. I will provide a special Sunday Blog at precisely 9PM PDT. On the comments section, leave your name and YOUTUBE link.

Don't post it before then because you'll ruin everything and the world as we know it will cease to exist.

What would it sound like if Ethel Merman sang the theme song to Flipper? Well? 

Here are some clues. Here is Ethel Merman singing There's No Business Like Show Business:

And now, the theme song to FLIPPER.

Here are the lyrics:

They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning,
No-one you see, is smarter than he,
And we know Flipper, lives in a world full of wonder,
Flying there-under, under the sea!
Everyone loves the king of the sea,
Ever so kind and gentle is he,
Tricks he will do when children appear,
And how they laugh when he's near!
They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning,
No-one you see, is smarter than he,
And we know Flipper, lives in a world full of wonder,
Flying there-under, under the sea!

Okay then, that's it. Good luck.



  1. Ha! I saw your second paragraph and started silently doing an Ethel Merman impression on the first few bars of the Flipper theme. I can so imagine this.

    I will do it. I'm in the middle of moving and Sunday will be a busy day (might be the last chance I have to see my dad) but by golly I'll try to log in and send the link. I'll have to post the YT video ahead of time at least.

    I did, a few years ago, do a "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" as Elvis Presley, Ozzy Osbourne and Al Jolson -- here (caution: swearing). I now do an additional verse with Jimmy Durante, but never re-recorded it with that verse. He sings, "96 bottles of beer on the wall / There's 96 bottles of beer up there! / Ya take one down; ya pass it all roun' / And ya got 95 bottles of beer on the wall -- ha cha cha!"

  2. Heeeey, Paul... Maybe if I do this Ethel Merman thing, you might submit a version of you (or Manny, or somebody!) doing the Yakko's World karaoke that I made! Heheh!

  3. Well, there he is again, that healthy little boy. Right there. Isn't he charming? Cute, cute, cute! I'm not making fun, I am saying: hooray for health! And hurrah for being very stronBLLEEEEAAAAGGHHHH! OORP! BLUUUEECCCH! I'm so sorry. I seem to have dribbled on my blouse.

    I am excited by the Ethel Merman competition because my man friend Bill does a very good one, I think. I will talk to him after bridge tonight, and then maybe one of the assistants can help us with figuring out how to put a cassette recording into a computer. That will be so fancy!

    Fern Grable
    Provo, AZ

  4. Keeper,

    I shall do your Yakko's World Karaoke!


  5. Oh darn.
    Seriously?? This is awesome. But DARN IT PAUL, I'm a fangirl, not a voice actress!

    Is there a prize for this? Just curious.

    I may bribe Maz into it.. again.. I'm running out of chocolate, I may switch to taffy. Maz will like taffy right?

    I should have known Keeper would be all over this one, I think he secretly dresses up like Ethel each night and sings in front of his full length mirror.

    Hurray! I can't wait to hear your Yakko's World Karaoke! I really can't! Do it right now!

  6. Are you making fun of me?

    If so, I shall haunt you!


    The Ghost of Ethel Merman
    Forest Lawn

  7. Pshaw, Taki! I haven't dressed in drag in at least 13 years! But I have done an Ethel Merman impression...

  8. So.. I was right. Sort of.

    The Ghost of Ethel Merman is displeased with this? Well BOO on her!

  9. Faking fun of you, Ms Merman? Heavens no! (Pardon the pun. Or not.)

    Why, I must have seen "Airplane" at least 20 times...

  10. Well, I recorded mine tonight. But I'll keep it under my hat until Sunday as instructed. I'll make it un-private at the appointed time.

    It's seven minutes long! I kind of went off on a couple tangents... A mystery for you to look forward to!
