
Sunday, March 15, 2009


At last, it's here! Ethel Merman sings Flipper! Provide a You Tube link in the comments section and I shall begin . . . coooollating. Oh, there must be hundreds of entries. Where will I find the time? But I will and you'll know the winner real soon. Just like me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! I'm the first of hundreds of thousands of entries! YIPPEE.

    My (Maz's) entry (entry):

  3. Here you go!

    I couldn't hear the music over Ethel's enormous voice, so alas I'm not always in tune or quite on the right rhythm... but there are some extra things in there you might like!

  4. Wait... I came in second? No! Outrageous! Inconceivable! I swear, my... my mouse button must be broken! I... I truly was first. Truly!

    Curses, Keeper... one of these days I'll prevail in posting before you!

  5. Paul, you said there would be a Yakko's World video. I'm dissapointed! D:

  6. Ooh, it appears that I actually have posted first! Technically... and... great, now I can't delete my comment. Great. Just... yeah, great. Foiled again.

  7. Heh... Well, I posted mine first, but then decided to re-do it so that it actually has a clickable link. And thus you did end up being first.

    Now... will we be the only?

    I just enabled comments on mine. I had them turned off at first.

  8. I was thinking you and Maz were the only ones doing this as well.. I can't do impressions, and I'm not so brave, so you get nothing from me. NOTHING! GOOD DAY SIR!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Oh man, I just saw this contest. If I could make an entry right now I would but alas my roommate is asleep. I might make one just for fun though. Kudos to the people who tried :D

  11. Do it in the morning, then. Wake up your roommate with Ethel Merman. That's akin to at a noon-to-noon party back in the day when the host woke everyone up in the morning by blasting "King Cotton March".

  12. Keeper.. it might be because I'm tired, but I couldn't follow a thing you just said. I think you were born in the 20's and you learned to time travel to the future..

  13. That would make me Janet Klein, and I assure you that I am not her.
