
Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Thanks to Tom Ruegger for combing through Youtube for this...well...I think it's some form of entertainment. I have watched it a few times. I think it proves well the old adage I don't quite remember. But it proves it.

If I were still doing Manny The Uncanny, I would steal this guy's act.

If you're still with me, I'd like to propose a little contest of sorts. YES. A FROYNLAVEN VIDEO CHALLENGE. I'll even do it, too.

Please spare no expense in making a small video of you or your group doing something not even remotely entertaining, but with such enthusiasm and dancing happiness as too make us believe what you have done is amazing. I will do it, too. (No knives, though.)

You can email me your link on youtube...or you may email it to me...or whatever you like. Let's say we have a week or something.

Keeper? Takineko?


PS, You can find the Froynlaven email directly to the right and above...


  1. AMAZING! He's using GRAVITY to hurl his SHARPENED metal pointed things into a WOODEN STAGE!! How does he do it??!? With ENTHUSIASM AND DANCING!!!!

  2. I can't quite tell if he meant to stick the knives into the stage or have them bounce off... he was good at both!

  3. The boucning knives must've been a big hit in the front row!

  4. No knives were harmed in the making of this video.

    "The boucning knives must've been a big hit in the front row!"

    Didn't you hear them scream for joy? ^^

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. OMG... I have to do this! Even though two days ago I couldn't muster the courage to sing Linkara's theme song for a fan collab video-- I have to do this! Normally I'd have no problem acting like a dork but for some reason when there is a camera around I go from an extrovert to an introvert. Just for you Paul, because you were so cool about doing the thing I emailed you about. ~Musters Courage~

  7. does yelling at cars count as one? Okay, I'm sort've new here and all, and not really the best with how to be remotely stupid on film, mainly because nobody seems to pay such attention. Like my friend, I'm kinda weird or chicken when the camera's on, cos I just want to cut that off when i've viewed it afterwards

  8. I can't believe I did this...

    Now I just have to sit back and wait for all the youtube commenters to tell me how fat and ugly I am... uh, again. Ah youtube...

  9. YAY1!!, I'll finaly be able to participate in one of these!! See my video sometime today or tomorow Paul.

  10. My Video is done processing, just incase you didn't get my email, here is the link!

  11. Kaleb and Luke - that's a bad link. Luckily I know where to find ur vid so here's the right link

  12. Thanks for fixing the link takineko.

  13. Send help. I attempted to make a video out on Hollywood Blvd. dressed as Spider-Man and was promptly detained by the Los Angeles Police Department.
