
Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I meant to blog. I really did. I super, really did. 

However, I didn't anticipate that my every waking hour would have been filled with a desperate panic that my "O" and "E" mouth shapes weren't up to snuff. Until they were, blogging would have to wait.

We wrapped the Henson puppetry gig last night "O" and "E" shapes never got much better. The good part is, I don't have to panic about it anymore, though. Whew.

After having spent the better part of two weeks entombed in a dark studio, I am once again a child of the light. 

We only filmed for two days, with two days of rehearsal before that. A week prior to that I was in the studio every day practicing. And practicing. And practicing. My wrists are numb. 

We used Henson's awesome digital puppetry system. It's an amazing technology. Seeing folks like Drew Massey and Tyler Bunch operate their rigs is akin to watching Vladimir Horowitz play the piano. 

Me? Uhhh. If you like Chopsticks....

Anyway, time to restart the blogging train...

A Reminder: don't forget the CONTEST. Entries are due Sunday the 19th.

Okay then...

Nice to blog to you again.


  1. Welcome back! You've been missed.

    While I'm not sure any of Henson's current output could match the pep or catchiness of their smash 1997 hit "MMMBop," I am sure your contributions were among the production's highlights. I, for one, look forward to seeing what you did to bring the brotherly pop music of Henson into the 21st century.

  2. Thank goodness you're back - my index finger is looking akin to Sly in the latest Rambo movie.

    Of course, I have been putting a lot of pressure on it for excellence... it might be juicing. We're awaiting blood work results to confirm if index has been using the McGwire Medicine.


    Nice to see you bloggin's again.


  3. Did you say piano? Have a look at me playing a $121,000 concert grand piano. Woo! And singing too!

  4. Glad to see you are all in one piece, I'd almost declared you missing. I hope you don't wake up in the middle of the night to find your hand has developed a mind of it's own, and tried to kill you in your sleep. That happened to a guy I know.

    So you didn't use actual puppets, you were using the digital puppetry studio to capture your movements for a CGI cartoon? :0
